The science has already proven that everything consists of energy, our material body is only a troublesome accessory to our energy body. Therefore nowadays every intelligent person believes in energotherapy. However 20 years ago it wasn’t so obvious. That is why we are grateful to the doctors who in those days spent their valuable time to monitor Zbyszek’s ability and then recommended him to their patients.

  • 1991 – Professor Marian Zembala – cardiologist comments in the visitors’ book: “This first meeting was very insightful. As a doctor I successfully practice classical medicine (cardio surgery), but I am still very mindful of people who suffer and we cannot always help them. I value in Zbyszek his enthusiasm, optimism and conviction; yet he remains humble. As a medical doctor I would ask him to support our classical medicine practices with his alternative healing abilities for patients who are open to this methods. With Kind Regards”.
  • 1991 – Professor Jeremi Czaplicki worked with Zbyszek on dietary management in children with Down Syndrome. He admitted that Zbyszek’s presence significantly increased effectiveness of his method.
  • 1993 – Professor Kazimierz Imieliński carried out a survey amongst Zbyszek’s clients. He analysed the results in categories of treated illness, kind of treatments previously provided by doctors, reasons why they turned to Zbyszek for help, length of his treatment and the effects. The results showed that in almost 98% of analysed cases the effects were good or very good; the same respondents marked doctor’s effectiveness at 20%.
  • 1995 – Doctor Stefan Trzos, cardiologist, sent his patient to Podkowa and later tested him. It was a case of a 50 year old man whose organs functioned with a biological age of someone in their eighties. The scientific tests including the function of patient’s nervous system provided a complete picture of the whole body. After the first visit to Podkowa Dr Trzos would carry out his measurements regularly and noted the effects. It turned out that the patient’s condition was steadily improving and after a few sessions with Zbyszek his organs slowly returned to match his chronological age.

Over the years Zbyszek earned a significant respect and trust with many doctors, amongst them was doctor Andrzej Koczyński, whose opinion regarding two brain scans of the same person conducted just a few months apart was recorded. The results, as described by doctor Koczyński, clearly showed that the serious tumour shrunk significantly and the second brain scan was normal.

The case of exterminating Down syndrome diagnosed in a foetus also created a great deal of interest within the medical profession.

The oncologist – professor Marek Spaczyński, gynaecologist – doctor Jacek Tulimowski, dermatologist and allergist – doctor Ewa Minkowska, the number of doctors who openly support Zbyszek’s abilities grows with each day, they refer their patients, knowing that Zbyszek will increase their chances of getting better.

Today, without revealing too much, we can only mention that the co-operation with medical professionals is developing further and there is hope that we will be able to finally close the gap between traditional medicine and energotherapy.